Guest UserComment


Guest UserComment

Yesterday, surrounded by my children, I stood at a rally to stand up for our freedoms. I never thought I’d have to do that in America, but my mama heart burns passionately to fight for a life based in truth for my children. They need to be taught and shown that love, compassion, freedom, and privacy don’t start where someone else's comfortability begins. We aren’t called to make people feel comfortable by laying down our rights and setting aside what is true. Jesus actually did the exact opposite. The people around him who didn’t acknowledge him as God were very uncomfortable by his teachings and miracles. He did things against what the law said and spoke truth to open their eyes to the state of their souls, not to make them feel more comfortable. And because I love Jesus and aim to live a life that points people to Him, I am trying to implement His teachings in this craziness we are living through. And to me, that means making decisions based on truth because that’s truly loving someone.

We aren’t loving people by giving into their false fears. We aren’t loving people by isolating them and leaving them alone in their hurt. We aren’t loving people by taking their livelihoods. We aren’t loving people by having no one bedside in hospitals. We aren’t loving people by taking sports, school, and church away from them. We aren’t loving people by taking away their choices regarding their own healthcare. We aren’t loving people by violating privacy laws and requiring people to display personal health information to others. It’s time for people to stop disguising their complacency and misinformation as compassion and love. It’s simply not.

Jesus is truth. In a society that preaches “live YOUR truth,” we’ve forgotten that the lines of truth aren’t blurred. Completely contradicting “truths” can’t all be right. We can’t become submissive, setting aside Biblical and scientific truth, in the name of falsely loving others. That’s not loving. Truth is love. If you love someone, you fight for them to know, understand, and implement truth. You don’t leave them fearful in their misunderstandings. The truth of the gospel doesn’t change with politics, pandemics, or mandates. Our lives can’t either.