Guest UserComment


Guest UserComment

A baby boy. A little brother. A son.

Today we learned that this little life inside me is a boy. I wasn’t surprised. I had a feeling from very early on that this baby was a boy, but there’s still such excitement to see that reality on the ultrasound screen. Within seconds of the ultrasound starting Kraig looked at the screen and said, “It’s a boy!” Baby BOY was in the perfect position to give us that news at the beginning of the scan. For the next 45 minutes we watched in awe as our boy hiccuped, sucked his hand, wiggled, and flipped. Being able to see this tiny life so alive within me absolutely amazes me every time. 

Mentally this pregnancy has felt so different than my others. It’s still surreal to me. It still fills me with immense gratitude. But, it also leaves me with fear and doubt. We’ve been out of the newborn and infant stages for what feels like a lifetime. The thought of going back to those early days leaves me feeling uneasy. I’ve never had a newborn when I also had the responsibilities of homeschooling, school drop off and pick up, sports, dance, and a bigger piece of property. It all just seems like a lot. It’s easy to feel overwhelmed by the thought of adding a baby to that mix! The reality is there will be moments of failure where I feel the weight of that stress, but then there will be the more meaningful, lasting moments of pure joy. Those are the moments that left me praying time and time again for more children. Those are the moments where I feel most content. 

 A baby boy. A little brother. A son.

He’s the next chapter in our story about the power of a redemptive, perfectly planned, gracious God. And we can’t wait to meet him. 
